A thought-provoking guide to help you lean in to the discomfort of the unknown to turn creative opportunities into intentional design, from Stanford University's world-renowned d.school. "Navigating Ambiguity reminds us not to run from uncertainty but rather see it as a defining moment of opportunity.
From His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Mutt's cartoonist and award-winning author Patrick McDonnell comes a powerful and timely gem of a book on how to heal our relationship with the planet and each other. At the Dalai Lama's residence in Dharamsala, India, an unusual visitor has arrived.
The American Library Association presents a must-read banned book for every week of the year in this beautiful book lover's reading log. Expand your reading list and stand against literary censorship with this one-year reading challenge and book journal!
*The New York Times bestseller*All around us people are looking at their phones too much, eating too much, drinking too much. Our world is addicted to fleeting distracting pleasures that get us nowhere. Dr Anna Lembke provides a clear way back to a balanced life.This book is about pleasure. It's also about pain.
War in Ukraine, a global hunger crisis, the West's cost of living crisis - the eruptions of 2022 were all too predictable. In Price Wars, Rupert Russell lays out just how these crises are connected and how many such events plunged the 2010s into a decade of turmoil.
'This book will forever change the way you view perfectionism and yourself. An irresistible invitation to reclaim your natural state of wholeness, your joy and your life.' Deepak ChopraThe advice we hear on perfectionism is always the same - let go of it! Forget it!
Essential lessons in hospitality for every business, from the former co-owner of legendary restaurant Eleven Madison Park. Will Guidara was twenty-six when he took the helm of Eleven Madison Park, a struggling two-star brasserie that had never quite lived up to its majestic room. Eleven years later, EMP was named the best restaurant in the world.
Like it or not, your every move is being watched and analyzed. Consumer's identities are being stolen, and a person's every step is being tracked and stored. What once might have been dismissed as paranoia is now a hard truth, and privacy is a luxury few can afford or understand.
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorrow - and horror. As Diana, Princess of Wales, was laid to rest, billions wondered what the princes must be thinking and feeling - and how their lives would play out from that point on. For Harry, this is that story at last.
Matthew Dennison's elegant and magisterial biography of Her late Majesty, updated following the death of Elizabeth II and the accession of King Charles III. 'A worthy and balanced overview of the Queen's life. Dennison is especially good on her childhood...quietly, tactfully, tastefully reverent.
How to Connect with What's Most Important in a Hyperconnected World. Social media has the power to do a lot of good, but it can also get in the way of authenticity and create a sense of disillusionment. In Overliked, pastor and author Rob Singleton, offers a compelling and compassionate view into how people can better leverage and enjoy social media without losing who they are.
How are we supposed to handle these new tools that could end up changing our genetic material?
A case for why regionalization, not globalization, has been the biggest economic trend of the past forty years The conventional wisdom about globalization is wrong. Over the past forty years as companies, money, ideas, and people went abroad more often than not, they looked regional rather than globally.
A timely and provocative essay about the parallel lives of Rosa Luxemburg and Hannah Arendt and their mission for a more humane society "[A] short but moving book . . .Even better, the volume's advice is not only pragmatically political-necessary during a time of threats to democracy and mounting failures to deal with the climate crisis-but modestly uplifting.
"What's this you're writing?... asked Pooh, climbing onto the writing table. "The Tao of Pooh,...I replied. "The how of Pooh?... asked Pooh, smudging one of the words I had just written."The Tao of Pooh,... I replied, poking his paw away with my pencil. "It seems more like ow!
From bestselling author and NYU business school professor Scott Galloway comes an urgent examination of the future of our nation - and how we got here. We are only just beginning to reckon with our post-pandemic future.
Pre milióny ľudí na celom svete je britská kráľovná Alžbeta II. stelesnením monarchie. Na trón nastúpila v roku 1952 a tento rok oslávila platinové jubileum, vládne teda dlhšie než ktorýkoľvek iný žijúci panovník. Jej panovanie zahŕňa takmer celé povojnové dejiny Británie − od čias pred veľkou hospodárskou krízou tridsiatych rokov 20.
Historians and theorists explore the anthropology and history of war Originating from the Engelsberg Seminar of 2015, this anthology gathers texts from internationally renowned historians, journalists, researchers and authors exploring war as both a creator and destroyer of states, from early civilization to the present day.
'If there were a Nobel Prize in History, Colley would be my nominee' Jill Lepore, New Yorker'One of the most exciting historians of her generation, but also one of the most interesting writers of non-fiction around' - William Dalrymple, Guardian'Colley takes you on intellectual journeys you wouldn't think to take on your own, and when you arrive you wonder that you never did it before' - David
Kniha prináša výber textov z evanjelií zachytávajúcich život a skutky Ježiša Krista od jeho narodenia až po ukrižovanie a zmŕtvychvstanie. Texty vychádzajú v ekumenickom preklade a dopĺňa ich vyše 80 kvalitných reprodukcií významných diel starých majstrov.
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