12-ti měsíční diář Vychutnejte si mosazné a modré tóny našeho designu obalu Blue Luxe. Původní kniha, vytvořená v srdci Amsterdamu v roce 1715, byla svázána do kozí kůže s propracovanými zlatými nástroji. Uvnitř svazku bylo Oratio Dominica (Modlitba Páně) v téměř 150 jazycích a dialektech, které sestavil anglický dvořan John Chamberlayne.
Brand health measurement is one of the most common and expensive pieces of research companies conduct. All industries and sectors measure the health of their brand to some extent, which means knowing how to do this well is crucial knowledge.
Why are there still too few women scientists? Drawing on personal experience and those of leading women in science, Athene Donald presents a powerful, persuasive account of the historical and continuing systemic barriers and embedded bias that women face
What makes us human? Richard Swinburne presents new philosophical arguments, supported by modern neuroscience, for the view that we are immaterial souls sustained in existence by our brains.