English language course for children aged 6-10 years. A comprehensive solution for the 1st grade of elementary school. Language level A0 – A1 covers the knowledge of the 1st to 4th year of elementary school. The content of the Let's Explore textbook offers English at a level that is in line with the students' mental development.
English language course for children aged 6-10 years. A comprehensive solution for the 1st grade of elementary school. Language level A0 – A1 covers the knowledge of the 1st to 4th year of elementary school. The content of the Let's Explore textbook offers English at a level that is in line with the students' mental development.
English language course for children aged 6-10 years. A comprehensive solution for the 1st grade of elementary school. Language level A0 – A1 covers the knowledge of the 1st to 4th year of elementary school. The content of the Let's Explore textbook offers English at a level that is in line with the students' mental development.
Českou gramatiku a pravopis si zvídaví školáci procvičí a zopakují zábavným způsobem – vybarvováním mandal a tematických vybarvovaček!
Existuje globalizace i ve slovesné kultuře? Jak je tomu v románských literaturách? Jsou všechny kultury stejné?
SAPIENS – STRUČNÉ DĚJINY LIDSTVA sleduje z dlouhodobé perspektivy revoluční zvraty na cestě lidského rodu od vzniku Homo sapiens až po současnost. Dramatický je příběh bezvýznamného lidoopa, který před dvěma miliony let někde v koutě Afriky získal vědomí, vyvraždil své přírodní bratrance a ovládl celou planetu.
Moderní učebnice češtiny pro rusky hovořící se zaměřuje na praktické osvojení komunikace v českém jazyce. Učebnice obsahuje 20 lekcí, z nichž prvních pět je věnováno fonetice, dalších patnáct lekcí je tematicky orientováno na základní oblasti každodenního života. Studující si v nich osvojí asi 2000 slov a slovních spojení.
The English Plus Workbook provides plenty of carefully planned practice to build students' confidence whatever their ability and also includes access to the Workbook audio and online Practice Kit. The Workbook includes exercises in grammar, vocabulary and skills, which mirror the language and skills work in the Student's Book pages.
The English Plus, Student's Book provides plenty of carefully planned practice to build students' confidence whatever their ability. Extra material offers flexible options so that you can cater to different learning needs and tailor lessons to your class. Each level consists of 8 theme-based units plus a shorter Starter unit.
The English Plus Workbook provides plenty of carefully planned practice to build students' confidence whatever their ability and also includes access to the Workbook audio and online Practice Kit.
The new Beehive is intended for elementary school students, the Starter level to level 3 is suitable for children aged 6 to 11 years, i.e. for the first to fourth year of elementary school. Beehive emphasizes the mutual cooperation of students in the classroom, which helps them improve and thus achieve the best results.
The textbook Beehive Level Starter Student's Book with On-line Practice (with a two-year access code to On-line Practice and to Student Resources) is mainly used for classroom work, while the On-line Practice approach can also be used at home to practice acquired knowledge and language skills at home .
The new Beehive is intended for elementary school students, the Starter level to level 3 is suitable for children aged 6 to 11 years, i.e. for the first to fourth year of elementary school. Beehive emphasizes the mutual cooperation of students in the classroom, which helps them improve and thus achieve the best results.
The textbook Beehive Level Starter Student's Book with On-line Practice (with a two-year access code to On-line Practice and to Student Resources) is mainly used for classroom work, while the On-line Practice approach can also be used at home to practice acquired knowledge and language skills at home .
The new Beehive is intended for elementary school students, the Starter level to level 3 is suitable for children aged 6 to 11 years, i.e. for the first to fourth year of elementary school. Beehive emphasizes the mutual cooperation of students in the classroom, which helps them improve and thus achieve the best results.
The textbook Beehive Level Starter Student's Book with On-line Practice (with a two-year access code to On-line Practice and to Student Resources) is mainly used for classroom work, while the On-line Practice approach can also be used at home to practice acquired knowledge and language skills at home .