je vhodným doplňkem ke všem učebnicím ruštiny pomůže při nácviku psaní a čtení pro mnohé žáky neznámého písma obsahuje také úkoly pro porozumění psanému textu slovní zásoba používaná při nácviku psaní a čtení odpovídá úrovni A1 podle SERR student si osvojí i slovní zásobu pro jednoduchou konverzaci pro zopakování
New Features: •All-in-one Student's Book combines material for classroom study and workbook type exercises for self-study or classroom use •DVD-ROM with interactive exercises and video clips for every unit •Pocket Book for accessible language support on the move •100% new material at all levels •Fully updated syllabus covers all the key language students need to communicate
Key Features •Thought-provoking topics and information-rich texts will challenge your students’ opinions, educate them about the world they live in, and inspire classroom discussion. •A coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, Vocabulary insight pages, and a ten-page Vocabulary bank explore vocabulary in greater depth.
Key Features •Thought-provoking topics and information-rich texts will challenge your students’ opinions, educate them about the world they live in, and inspire classroom discussion. •A coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, Vocabulary insight pages, and a ten-page Vocabulary bank explore vocabulary in greater depth.
It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits.
It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits.
Brighten up your classroom with English Plus Second Edition!
Brighten up your classroom with English Plus Second Edition!
Brighten up your classroom with English Plus Second Edition!
English level: Elementary A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses. Key features •A balance of world information, cartoon fun, songs, and raps. •Clear signposting of language structures, providing an introduction to grammar.
English level: Elementary A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses. Key features •A balance of world information, cartoon fun, songs, and raps. •Clear signposting of language structures, providing an introduction to grammar.
Family and Friends offers a carefully graded approach to reading, writing and literacy skills in English to young learners. No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends. The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output.
Family and Friends offers a carefully graded approach to reading, writing and literacy skills in English to young learners. No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends. The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output.
Family and Friends offers a carefully graded approach to reading, writing and literacy skills in English to young learners. No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends. The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output.
Jedinečné spojení překladového slovníku s tematickým slovníkem a encyklopedií. Obsahuje 80 000 hesel, 1 500 barevných fotografií...
Nové vydanie učebnice Taliančina pre samoukov s CD je určené všetkým, čo majú chuť osvojiť si pravidlá talianskej gramatiky, ktorá je vysvetlená ľahko prístupným a pre všetkých pochopiteľným spôsobom.
Ide o slovník tvarov viac ako 13 000 podstatných mien v slovenčine vrátane frekventovaných vlastných mien prehľadne zachytáva spôsob ich skloňovania. Ide o unikátne dielo, ktoré vzniklo výskumom reálneho používania slov v textoch Slovenského národného korpusu. Všetky fungujúce tvary sú doložené krátkym kontextom s uvedením zdroja.
Můj průvodce angličtinou je kombinací výkladu, praktických cvičení, užitečných rad a odpovědí na řadu studenty často kladených otázek, která čtivou formou objasňuje základy cílového jazyka. Publikaci využijí začátečníci, rodiče školních dětí a jako referenční zdroj i pokročilí studenti a učitelé AJ.
Malý rozmerom, veľký obsahom. Ideálny pre potreby v škole, na cestách, zmestí sa do každého vrecka.