Detektív Harry Bosch vyšetruje jednu z najzávažnejších vrážd v Hollywoode. V kufre auta sa našla mŕtvola filmového producenta a všetko naznačuje, že išlo o vybavovanie účtov, klasickú mafiánsku vraždu. Harry sa vyberie po stopách peňazí, ktoré ho privedú do Las Vegas. Pre svoje odhodlanie a výdrž si pri riešení prípadu narobí aj veľmi mocných nepriateľov.
Mickey Haller má novú klientku, ktorá rozbieha kampaň proti hyenám z bankových a hypotekárnych spoločností. Poskytli pôžičky aj ľuďom,Mickey Haller má novú klientku, ktorá rozbieha kampaň proti hyenám z bankových a hypotekárnych spoločností. Poskytli pôžičky aj ľuďom, čo ich neboli schopní splácať, a teraz ťažia z ich nešťastia.
Harry Bosch sa na sklonku kariéry vracia k svojej „bielej veľrybe" - nedoriešenému prípadu, ktorý ho stále máta. Musí nájsť a potrestať vraha,Harry Bosch sa na sklonku kariéry vracia k svojej „bielej veľrybe" - nedoriešenému prípadu, ktorý ho stále máta. Musí nájsť a potrestať vraha, ktorý pre peniaze vyvraždil rodinu s dvoma deťmi.
Mikey Haller je právnik bez kancelárie. Úraduje na zadnom sedadle svojho lincolna, a tak je vždy nablízku svojim klientom. Mikey dostal nový prípad: bohatého mladíka z Beverly Hills zatkli za brutálne napadnutie ženy. Napriek bežnej praxi, keď majú advokáti obhajovať klientov, ktorí sú vinní, prvý raz v Hallerovej kariére to vyzerá tak, že jeho klient je naozaj nevinný.
Advokát Mickey Haller má za sebou ťažké obdobie rekonvalescencie po poslednom prípade, pri ktorom takmer prišiel o život, a chystá sa vrátiť do veľkej hry americkej justície. Kým sa stihne poriadne usadiť na zadnom sedadle svojho lincolna, zavraždia jeho slávneho kolegu a on chtiac-nechtiac zdedí nesmierne výnosný prípad.
AS NIGHT FALLS, A KILLER COMES TO LIGHT... 'An authentic, topical and terrifying thriller: one of Michael Connelly's very best.' THE TIMESOn New Year's Eve at the end of one of the hardest years in history, hundreds of revellers shoot their guns into the air in time-honoured LA tradition. But as the rain of lead comes down, a man is shot dead in the middle of a crowded street party.
Ľudia odpočítavajú posledné sekundy starého roka a v Hollywoode vládne chaos. Detektívka Renée Ballardová z LAPD čaká na tradičnú oslavnú paľbu do vzduchu. No o pár minút neskôr ju zavolajú na miesto, kde jedna z guliek zasiahla majiteľa autoservisu.
May 1992, and after four LAPD officers were acquitted after the savage beating of Rodney King, Los Angeles is ablaze. As looting and burning take over the city, law and order are swept away in a tidal wave of violence. But under threat of their lives, homicide detectives like Harry Bosch are still stubbornly trying to do their job.
Only Harry Bosch can uncover LA's darkest secrets in this new gripping thriller from global bestseller Michael Connelly. 'What do you want me to do?
Meet the brand new detective from the modern master of crime fiction... ***** CRIME NEVER SLEEPS. Los Angeles can be a dangerous city - never more so than in the dead of night. Detective Renée Ballard, once one of the department's young hotshots, now works 'The Late Show', the notorious graveyard shift at the LAPD.
Detective Renée Ballard, once one of the department's young hotshots, now works 'The LATE SHOW, the graveyard shift at the LAPD. It's a thankless job keeping strange hours, handing over her investigations as the sun rises, never getting closure. Some nights are worse than others. And tonight is the worst yet. Two cases: a brutal assault, and a multiple murder with no suspect.
At the end of a long, dark night Detectives Renee Ballard and Harry Bosch cross paths for the very first time. * * * * *Detective Renee Ballardis working the graveyard shift again, and returns to Hollywood Station in the early hours only to find that an older man has snuck in and is rifling through old file cabinets.
SOME CRIMES LIGHT A FIRE THAT NEVER GOES OUT... 'One of the most eagerly awaited books of the year.'The i newspaper, Best Crime Books for 2019'There's something for everyone in this jam-packed plot'New York Times* * * * *A JUDGE MURDERED IN A CITY PARKMickey Haller, the Lincoln Lawyer, defends the man accused.
The hero of The Poet and The Scarecrow is back in the new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly. Jack McEvoy, the journalist who never backs down, tracks a serial killer who has been operating completely under the radar - until now.
The Most Gripping Thriller of the Summer and the Instant No 1 Bestseller.
Detective Renee Ballard is working the graveyard shift again, and returns to Hollywood Station in the early hours only to find that an older man has snuck in and is rifling through old file cabinets.The intruder is none other than legendary LAPD detective Harry Bosch, working a cold case that has gotten under his skin.
LAPD Detective Renée Ballard and Harry Bosch come together again on the murder case that obsessed Bosch's mentor - but was this flame kept alive, or a secret that was meant to be snuffed out?