

Easy Indian Vegetarian

Easy Indian Vegetarian

Chetna Makan - HAMLYN , EAN: 9780600637752

Simple and satisfying meat-free dishes from the queen of Indian home cooking Celebrating the incredible vegetarian food that India has to offer, Easy Indian Vegetarian delivers fresh, authentic Indian food for every day. You will find recipes for every occasion, with accessible ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions to help take the fuss out of dinner time.

33,95 € Detail
Five Nights at Freddy's Cook Book

Five Nights at Freddy's Cook Book

Scott Cawthon, Rob Morris - Scholastic US , EAN: 9781338851298

The one and only OFFICIAL Five Nights at Freddy's Cookbook, with over 40 recipes inspired by the hit games. Delight in over forty tasty recipes inspired by the Five Nights at Freddy's games, with gorgeous, eye-popping photography!

15,95 € Detail
How to Butter Toast

How to Butter Toast

Tara Wigley - HarperCollins Publishers , EAN: 9780008554712

How to Butter Toast is the antidote to cookbook-overload. In this fun and entertaining recipe book without any recipes, Ottolenghi co-writer Tara Wigley equips you with rhymes and confidence to cook great food instinctively. Melted butter on hot toast and served up on a plate.It seems like nothing, really, could be clearer or more straight.

19,32 € Detail
Roast Figs, Sugar Snow

Roast Figs, Sugar Snow

Diana Henry - Octopus Publishing Group , EAN: 9781783255702

A new edition of the hidden gem at the heart of Diana Henry's extraordinary cookbook repertoire'Roast Figs, Sugar Snow has been in my kitchen since the day I first opened it. Here is a book that celebrates not only the ingredients of the winter shopping bag, the pumpkins and pomegranates, chestnuts and soft, sweet spices, but the heart and soul of the season.

28,95 € Detail


Sabrina Ghayour - Aster , EAN: 9781783255108

The new collection of simple, delicious, crowd-pleasing recipes from the bestselling Middle-Eastern chef. Over 100 fabulously flavourful recipes with a Middle-Eastern twist. Praise for Sabrina Ghayour: 'Sabrina Ghayour's Middle-Eastern plus food is all flavour, no fuss - and makes me very, very happy' - Nigella Lawson'I don't think she could write a dull recipe if she tried.

29,88 € Detail
Restaurant Gordon Ramsay

Restaurant Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay - HODDER & STOUGHTON , EAN: 9781473652316

Arguably the best chef of his generation, Gordon Ramsay has had an illustrious career and built a global restaurant empire from London to Bordeaux and from Seoul to Singapore. But alongside these bustling locations, tucked away in a quiet Chelsea street in London, is the jewel in Gordon's crown - Restaurant Gordon Ramsay.

75,95 € Detail
Seasons of Cognac

Seasons of Cognac

Laurence Benaim - Editions Flammarion , EAN: 9782080296436

This connoisseurs' tribute to the ultimate French brandy celebrates the Cognac region and the centuries-old techniques that Hennessy uses to craft its celebrated liqueur. Cognac hails from a unique terroir in the Charentes region of France, where the elixir's blend of tradition and voluptuousness has been rhythmed by the seasons for centuries.

24,95 € Detail
Eataly, Contemporary Italian Cooking

Eataly, Contemporary Italian Cooking

Oscar Farinetti - Phaidon Press Ltd , EAN: 9781838666866

'Not merely another handsome book about Italian cookery ... Eataly is a bible, a guide for modern life.

54,95 € Detail


Erchen Chang, Shing Tat Chung, Wai Ting Chung - Phaidon Press Ltd , EAN: 9781838666200

The very first cookbook from the hugely popular Taiwanese-inspired restaurant and cult brand, BAO BAO presents an exciting and unique interpretation of Taiwanese culture through food and design and has established a passionate and devoted following for its restaurants situated across London.

38,95 € Detail
The Core of an Onion

The Core of an Onion

Mark Kurlansky - Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 2023, EAN: 9781635575934

From the New York Times bestselling author of Cod and Salt, a delectable look at the cultural, historical, and gastronomical layers of one of the world's most beloved culinary staples-featuring original illustrations and recipes from around the world. As Julia Child once said, "It is hard to imagine a civilization without onions.

23,50 € Detail
Caught Snackin'

Caught Snackin'

Caught Creating Ltd - HAMLYN , EAN: 9780600637561


22,84 € Detail
V jednom

V jednom

Jamie Oliver - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788056658505

Jamie Oliver ponúka vyše 120 receptov, podľa ktorých pripravíte jednoduché lahodné pokrmy v jednom hrnci, pekáči alebo panvici. Na každý recept budete potrebovať menej než osem surovín, čo znamená minimum námahy (a umývania riadu) a maximum pohodlia.

24,55 € Detail
Stačí 10 minút

Stačí 10 minút

Gordon Ramsay - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055656892

S knihou šéfkuchára Gordona Ramsayho sa naučíte pripravovať skvelé jedlá za 10 minút. Z jednoduchých a čerstvých surovín dostanete to najlepšie za minimum času, či už to bude kuracie souvlaki pre celú rodinu, cestoviny s tekvicou z jedného hrnca, rybacie karí, na ktoré sa zbiehajú slinky, alebo superrýchly karamelový puding z mikrovlnky.

17,56 € Detail


Anders Ryehauge - Strandberg Publishing 2022, EAN: 9788794102223

34,28 € Detail


Anna Voloshyna - Rizzoli International Publications , EAN: 9780847872565

With its emphasis on fresh ingredients, time-honoured heritage, and warm hospitality, Slavic cuisine is having a moment. In 2019, Georgian food was named cuisine of the year by a leading hospitality consulting firm, and the interest in Eastern European and Caucasian cuisines has only continued to rise.

39,95 € Detail
Pravá vietnamská kuchyně

Pravá vietnamská kuchyně

Uyen Luu - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788027605118

Autorka knihy síce už dlhé roky býva v Londýne, kde prevádzkuje populárnu bytovú reštauráciu, vedie kurzy vietnamského varenia, na ktorých učí ľudí z celej Európy a patrí medzi prominentných londýnskych foodblogerov, ale jej život sa stále točí okolo Vietnamu a vietnamskej kuchyne. Vo Vietname sa narodila a často sa tam vracia znovu objavovať svoje kulinárske korene.

17,56 € Detail
Deliciously Ella How To Go Plant-Based

Deliciously Ella How To Go Plant-Based

Ella Mills - Yellow Kite , EAN: 9781529313772

THE NEW BOOK BY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, ELLA MILLS - FOUNDER OF DELICIOUSLY ELLADespite the increasing number of people moving towards a plant-based diet, there are no clear, evidence-based mainstream books to help anyone looking to adopt this way of eating - either for themselves, or for their family. It can be overwhelming to switch to a plant-based diet, and you may have no idea where to start.

33,80 € Detail
Ottolenghi Testovací kuchyně Moje milovaná spíž

Ottolenghi Testovací kuchyně Moje milovaná spíž

Yotam Ottolenghi, Noor Murad - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788027604548

Poznávacím znakom novej série Ottolenghi Testovacej kuchyne (OTK) sú nápadité riešenia. Táto pestrofarebná kuchárka od osvedčeného tímu vynikajúcich spolupracovníkov Yotama Ottolenghiho túto edíciu začína: neodolateľné recepty pre domáce príležitosti, ktoré prečistia vašu špajzu, poličky, chladničku a mrazničku.

21,91 € Detail
Přátelé Oficiální kuchařka ze seriálu Přátelé

Přátelé Oficiální kuchařka ze seriálu Přátelé

Amanda Yee - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788027602520

Pozvite kamarátov a nachystajte jedlo podľa niektorého z viac ako stovky ikonických receptov inšpirovaných úspešným seriálom Priatelia. Keď si pustíte jednotlivé epizódy, určite si uvedomíte, že jedlo je jeden z pilierov ľudskej pospolitosti. Práve nadčasovosť a uveriteľnosť príbehov odohrávajúcich sa pri jedle utkvela v pamäti fanúšikom na celom svete.

17,56 € Detail
7-krát inak

7-krát inak

Jamie Oliver - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055655802

Najznámejší šéfkuchár bez čapice je späť!

24,55 € Detail