18-ti měsíční diář The Adventures of Asterix, naše série ve spolupráci s Les Éditions Albert René, nasměruje ducha Asterixe a neuvěřitelnou sílu Obelixe. S neochvějnou vynalézavostí a trochou kouzelného lektvaru se tento ideální tým vydává do zemí blízkých i vzdálených.
18-ti měsíční diář Živě detailní přebal Garyho Graysona nás přenese do tropického ráje! Umělcova náklonnost ke starožitným tiskům i modernímu grafickému designu je základem jeho digitálního uměleckého stylu. Jeho dílo je eklektickým mixem vintage vektoru, impresionismu a pop-artu – to vše je namícháno v tomto designu Tropické zahrady.
18-ti měsíční diář Legenda praví, že když si doma pověsíte ptáka štěstí, přinese to zdraví a štěstí. Umělkyně Nadezhda Sokolova se nechala inspirovat tímto klasickým příběhem ruského folklóru. Svým jedinečným stylem batikované malby na hedvábí zachycuje vřelost a optimismus legendy.
18-ti měsíční diář Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475–1564) je považován za jednoho z mistrů italské renesance. Ručně psaný dopis zde reprodukovaný demonstruje vášeň jednoho z největších umělců lidstva. Na zadní straně obálky se nachází Stvoření Adama ze Sixtinské kaple a to krásně zakončuje tento zkrášlený rukopis.
The second book in the best-selling, award-winning ‘Bear and the Piano’ trilogy.  The first book in the trilogy - The Bear and the Piano - has sold over 120,000 copies in the UK and won the Waterstones Children's Book Prize, Illustrated Book Category for 2016 Hector and his dog Hugo have made music together through good times, bad times and even some crazy times.
More than a fashion accessory or means to tell the time, the wristwatch has become a statement of identity; politician or celebrity, scientist or sportsman, what you choose to wear on your wrist speaks volumes about who you are.
'I was looking for a quiet place to die. Someone recommended Brooklyn, and so the next morning I travelled down there from Westchester to scope out the terrain . ..'So begins Paul Auster's remarkable new novel, The Brooklyn Follies. Set against the backdrop of the contested US election of 2000, it tells the story of Nathan and Tom, an uncle and nephew double-act.
'In the beginning, everything was alive. The smallest objects were endowed with beating hearts . ..
Sadie doesn't have to hold back in her email drafts because nobody will ever read them ... that is, until someone sends them out. Seventeen-year-old Sadie Wen is perfect on paper.It’s a reputation she’s fought hard to earn at the highly prestigious Woodvale Academy, and one she’s determined to maintain until graduation.
In this dazzling sequel to the The Surviving Sky, Ahilya and Iravan risk everything-their lives, their culture, and their fragile marriage-in pursuit of the earth-shattering truth about their existence. "Breathtakingly inventive" epic science-fantasy inspired by Hindu philosophy, for fans of N.K. Jemisin and Tasha Suri.
A beautiful hardcover box set collecting all three books in the Crescent City series. Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life—working hard all day and partying all night—until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation.
The sequel to the Sunday Times and international-bestselling South Korean therapy memoir, translated by International Booker Prize-shortlisted Anton HurWhen Baek Sehee started recording her sessions with her psychiatrist, her hope was to create a reference for herself. She never imagined she would reach so many people, especially young people, with her reflections.
Summer in London can only mean one thing: tennis. For two weeks Wimbledon hosts the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world and this year everyone is talking about player Kieran O’Sullivan, the infamous bad boy of the sport with one last chance to win a Grand Slam. Everyone, that is, except Flora Hendrix.